Personal Solutions
We succeed when YOU succeed! Marcia and Sherry are passionate about working with individuals who are looking to grow personally and professionally.
Lead to Inspire has several product solutions, from downloadable e-guides to in person or virtual 1-1 Coaching. Contact us to set up a free consultation and we can tailor fit a solution for you.
Personal and Professional Toolbox - Monthly Subscription
Personal and professional leadership tools delivered to your inbox.
Result: Elevate your daily life and become the person and leader you aspire to be!
Product Overview: If you are looking to build your leadership toolbox, we're bringing our popular resources to you! Here's how it works.
Step 1: Pick your option. With a monthly subscription option, annual bundle, or single PDF purchase, choose how you'd like to purchase and receive your PDFs.
Step 2: Complete your purchase. If you subscribe monthly, you can make changes to your account preferences anytime you'd like.
Step 3: Check your email & go. After you sign up, check your email for your first PDF, or all 12! You will be able to access the tools, as well as instructions on how to use each tool.
The Dream Manager Program®
A life-coaching program developed and implemented by Floyd Consulting.
Result: Develop a personal strategic plan for life and more.
Product Overview: The Program provides a comprehensive approach for people to achieve their dreams and develop a personal strategic plan for their lives as they move toward greater life balance and discover the-best-version-of-themselves®. Request more information and pricing below.

Manifest Your Future
Make your dreams a reality by setting intentional goals.
Result: Achieving your goals.
Product Overview: This e-guide teaches you why you should make a vision board, how it helps manifest your future and what you gain by intentionally making a vision board part of your day.

Personal and Professional Development Coaching
We meet you where you are.
Result: Personal and professional growth.
Product Overview: Marcia and Sherry serve as motivators and accountability partners to challenge you in your personal and professional development, moving you toward greater success.

Maxwell DISC Method
A simple, personal assessment to help you better understand yourself and how you work with others.
Result: Identifies your personality style, how it motivates you and helps enhance how you communicate with others.
Product Overview: A 10-minute DISC assessment gives you a 30-page personalized report focused on your own personality style. You have options with DISC assessment, ask us about a debrief or personalized professional coaching.
Maxwell DISC Student Success Report
Result: The student learns where their strengths lie, what motivates them and how to better communicate with peers and adults.
Product Overview: The Maxwell DISC Student assessment takes just a few minutes. Once completed, you’ll receive a 16-page report that not only outlines your personality style and what that means to you but how you interact with others. The report also has a bonus section for your parents and teachers, giving them ideas on how to help, motivate, and encourage you.
Contact Us to find out how to get the Maxwell DISC assessment to your student or a classroom full of students. Lead to Inspire can also provide a DISC workshop and 1 on 1 Coaching.

Free Consultation
We help you find your best fit.
Marcia and Sherry pride themselves on listening to your needs and providing the best solution for you! Lead to Inspire customizes each experience to fully engage you and help you achieve your personal and professional goals.
Result: Individualized solution to achieve your goals.
Product Overview: We partner with individuals and customize solutions to fit your specific needs.